
Neck Pain

Conditions that may be treated:

  • Arthritis of the spine (also called degenerative joint or spine disease, or spondylosis)
  • Muscle strain
  • Muscle pain from tight neck muscles
  • Generalized neck pain of unknown origin
  • Partial disc herniation
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Ankylosing spondylitis

Basic Treatment

  • Refer to the reference photo for basic options of neck pain placement of electrodes
  • Clean the skin with a wet paper towel and water to remove dead skin and other surface debris
  • Do not have any lotion on the skin as it may decrease conductivity and/or create a skin irritation
  • Apply the electrodes as instructed in the basic treatment procedure to area of pain using the photos noted for placement suggestions

Further Treatment Suggestions

Neck pain is extremely common and the source of the pain can be from arthritis in the neck, muscle strain, muscle tension, poor posture and poor pillow choice among other reasons.  There are disease processes that can create neck pain and many of them will be addressed below. Also, please check our Blogs as they can be very helpful.

Neck pain may be right on the spine, alongside the spine as well as spreading out further toward the shoulders. It can also result in pain down the arms.

No matter what the reason you have neck pain (with the exception of perhaps cancer) most treatments are very similar no matter what the cause.

Case History

  • PL, Virginia—55 y/o female  with pain from 5 neck surgeries including 2 levels of fusions.The pain level varies from 3/10 to 9/10 for the past 4 years. She states that it is very difficult for her to find a comfortable position during sleep and she typically has at least 1 flareup of severe pain during the day. After the first treatment with the PAT unit, she had much more relaxation in her shoulders between her shoulder and neck which allowed her to sleep better. She says the pain has consistently remained below 4/10 which makes a significant improvement to her daily life. She is interested in buying a unit when available.